Newspaper Article

I am so excited to share this recent news.  The image below is a snap shot of a Trinidad and Tobago newspaper article that was done on me and my Youtube recipe channel.

While I was in Trinidad early on this year – 2019 I made a few attempts to contact various newspapers companies in an attempt to have an article printed about my YouTube channel but I just was not able to get in contact with the relevant personnel.  I eventually left Trinidad without achieving my goal.

Low and behold about a week and a half ago, I received a telephone call from a young lady asking me if she could do a story on me for the newspaper company she worked for – Newsday!!  This is the first company that I called and basically got no where with that venture.  Trying to speak to someone on the phone was a daunting task.

The young lady and I had a telephone interview on two occasions.  While  we were talking, I spoke about my Amazon book publishing business and she was quite intrigued about the topic.  She ended up mentionin it in the article which I didn’t really expect.

Click here to read the entire article